Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Chip off the Old Block

Basketball season is in full swing, and now that my son has grown a little bit I have taken it upon myself to introduce him to the sport that has brought me so many fond memories over the years. I've enjoyed playing and watching basketball for as long as I can remember. I've had great coaches and teammates that helped me get better and better. I can still vividly remember the first time I dunked a basketball at the age of 15. My son and I have been practicing and we've got a ways to go, below is a quick video of our progress.

Being a father has been one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me in my life. I have been blessed with two amazing children that teach me everyday what real love is made of. As their father I can't help but want the best for them in every aspect of their lives. I think any father might look upon his son as a new and improved version of himself. Their boy will have already learned from his father's mistakes and will have the mature perspective that his father now has. The son will accomplish all the things that the father could and would if they had another chance at youth. I find myself thinking like this every now and then. I have great hopes for what my son will do and become in his life, but in that same light I must understand that it's his life. He'll have to learn many things on is own and that he'll have his own goals to accomplish. Whether he wants to grow up and be a basketball player or not,I'm okay with that. I hope that what he learns from me are eternal virtues such as love, honesty, trust, and work ethic. With these he'll be able to successfully do whatever it is that life has in store for him and he'll know that I am proud of him and that I love him.

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